School District Profiles

Nebraska’s urban, suburban and rural districts face unique circumstances, along with the shared challenges of educating children in poverty, those with disabilities, English language learners and those with parents who move frequently. OpenSky compiled these profiles to empower informed decisions on education funding going forward.

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Our future depends on every child from every corner of Nebraska receiving a great education where they live and play. Supporting our communities and the families who live there means that we have to come together to fully fund our public schools. However, school funding in Nebraska can be complex.

School districts in Nebraska are funded through tax revenues from local, state and federal sources. The primary source of funding Nebraska’s schools has long been local property taxes, with funding from the state primarily determined through a formula known as the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunity Support Act (TEEOSA).

State and local funding sources interact in TEEOSA, which is based on the premise of first establishing school district “needs” and then school distrist “resources.” with the difference being made up through state aid. “Resources” in that formula are primarily made up by local property tax revenues.

What can I find here?

Hover over a school district to see details, including per-pupil expenditures and state/local investments

Click on the district to see additional information, including demographics and resources available in educating students in poverty, English language learners and special education

Use the Search function within the map to narrow your focus on a city or county

Download data to further explore available resources and district needs in helping students to reach desired outcomes 

All of the data in the visualization are from the Nebraska Department of Education. For more information, see the Annual Financial Report and School District Budgeting Forms, other Statistical Information and District Profiles.

Download data for all Nebraska school districts

Other Resources

Investing in Our Future

Updated in 2025, explore how Nebraska pays for K-12 education

Taking Ownership

An overview of property taxes in Nebraska, released in 2023

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School District Profile

School District Profiles Nebraska’s urban, suburban and rural districts face unique circumstances, along with the shared challenges of educating children in poverty, those with disabilities, English language learners and those with parents who move frequently. OpenSky compiled these profiles to empower informed decisions on education funding going forward. Our future