
A core function of OpenSky Policy Institute is to provide reliable data, information, and solutions regarding revenue proposals and existing policies in an effort to put the state on a sustainable long-term growth path that balances the needs of its citizens with the capacity of the revenue structure.

Policy brief — LB 1025 and LB 1045 would improve tax incentive policy

Nebraska’s major tax incentive programs are expensive and have long tails that cause the state to forgo revenue for decades. The programs also lack transparency regarding how the incentive dollars are used and this makes it difficult for Nebraskans to know if incentives are a good investment. Two proposals before the Revenue Committee today -- LB 1025 and LB 1045 -- would help address these issues and in so doing help protect funding for other vital services and ensure tax incentives are a good use of state resources.

By |2020-02-20T15:49:27-06:00February 20th, 2020|Revenue|Comments Off on Policy brief — LB 1025 and LB 1045 would improve tax incentive policy

Policy brief — LB 1073: A more responsible path to property tax relief

Nebraska relies more on local property taxes to fund public schools than 48 other states.[1] LB 1073 -- which will be the focus of an Education Committee hearing on Tuesday -- could reduce our reliance on property taxes while maintaining the equalization principle of the state’s school funding formula.

By |2020-02-10T14:52:22-06:00February 10th, 2020|Education, Revenue|Comments Off on Policy brief — LB 1073: A more responsible path to property tax relief

Policy brief – A look at school spending in Nebraska

School spending has been a frequent discussion point as Nebraska lawmakers have worked to find ways to reduce our high reliance on property taxes to fund K-12 education. Below we examine some key factors regarding the way our state’s public schools utilize their funding.

By |2020-01-20T09:07:41-06:00November 20th, 2019|Areas of Research, Blog, Education, Revenue|Comments Off on Policy brief – A look at school spending in Nebraska

Policy brief – Economic development in a more urbanized Nebraska

As lawmakers prepare for the upcoming legislative session, we reflect back on some of the themes covered at our 2019 Fall Policy Symposium in an effort to help policymakers and others prepare for the important economic development discussions that will take place in the State Capitol starting in January.

By |2024-12-10T15:22:25-06:00November 12th, 2019|Economic Opportunity, Revenue, State Budget & Taxes|Comments Off on Policy brief – Economic development in a more urbanized Nebraska

Policy brief — Beware of banking on revenue projections

Recent news of rosier revenue forecasts has triggered calls to use projected revenue surpluses to fund property tax cuts. However, basing ongoing fiscal obligations such as tax cuts or new spending on revenue projections is incredibly risky and could force future tax increases or funding cuts to vital services like Nebraska’s public schools.

By |2020-03-11T15:24:41-05:00November 8th, 2019|Revenue|Comments Off on Policy brief — Beware of banking on revenue projections
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