
Access to quality health care is a key element of “The Good Life” we live in Nebraska because it helps keep our state’s residents working and thriving. Many of the policy decisions made by our state’s leaders impact the health of our state’s residents, our communities and our economy.

State fiscal provisions of the CARES Act

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) is intended to help offset the fiscal harm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. State fiscal relief in the CARES Act provides funding for COVID-19-related expenses -- costs that states could not foresee until the crisis unfolded. Read more details about what is in the CARES Act for Nebraska and other states.

By |2020-04-21T15:17:56-05:00April 21st, 2020|Areas of Research, Budget & Budget Process, Economic Development, Health, Home Featured, Revenue|Comments Off on State fiscal provisions of the CARES Act

Policy brief — Examining SNAP changes amid COVID-19 response

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) not only helps more than 170,000 Nebraskans afford quality food, it also serves as an important economic stimulus tool, with studies showing that for every $1 of benefits redeemed, local economies see $1.70 in economic growth during a recession. In recognition of this, the federal government has recently given states increased flexibility in tailoring their programs to not only respond to increased need caused by the COVID-19 crisis, but also help states recover from the looming economic downturn. Nebraska has taken important steps toward maximizing this flexibility and ensuring more dollars are available to be spent at local businesses, but more could be done.

By |2020-04-15T17:11:12-05:00April 15th, 2020|Areas of Research, Health, Home Featured|Comments Off on Policy brief — Examining SNAP changes amid COVID-19 response
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