Over the past decade, my husband Dick and I have had the great privilege of watching OpenSky Policy Institute grow from multiple vantage points.

As a founding board member and the second board president, Dick played a hands-on role in helping OpenSky become an essential voice in Nebraska’s policy debates.

As a state legislator and then as an OpenSky board member and president myself, I watched OpenSky’s work help move our policy debates away from political talking points and toward conversations based on facts and data.

Dick and I are proud supporters of OpenSky as well and to help celebrate OpenSky’s 10th anniversary, we will donate to this amazing organization as part of this year’s Give to Lincoln Day Campaign. We hope you will join us in supporting OpenSky and help recognize this group’s incredible contributions to Nebraska’s policy debates over its first decade.

Donating to OpenSky through the Give to Lincoln Day Campaign helps us secure a portion of a $500,000 matching pool generously offered by the Lincoln Community Foundation. A gift to OpenSky on or before Give to Lincoln Day is a great way to maximize your support of our mission to improve opportunities for every Nebraskan.

Last year during Give to Lincoln, generous supporters helped OpenSky raise more than $43,000, including nearly $3,000 in matching funds. We hope to surpass that this year.

Although May 26 marks Give to Lincoln Day, you can make a secure donation online anytime between now and then. You also can donate by:

  • Making a gift from your Lincoln Community Foundation Donor Advised Fund and designating that it is a Give to Lincoln Day donation to OpenSky Policy Institute. (This is the only donation method that doesn’t include processing fees);
  • If you are 70½ or older, you may make a qualified charitable distribution from your Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). IRA gifts must be initiated by May 19. Learn more here; or
  • Making an Omaha Community Foundation Account donation to the Lincoln Community Foundation and note that it is a Give to Lincoln Day donation for OpenSky Policy Institute. Omaha Community Foundation Account gifts need to be initiated by May 19.

You also can mail checks made out to “Lincoln Community Foundation” with “OpenSky Policy Institute” written in the memo line and mail them to:

Lincoln Community Foundation
215 Centennial Mall S Ste 100
Lincoln, NE  68508

Envelopes with check donations must be postmarked by May 19. Check donations also can be dropped off at any Lincoln West Gate Bank branch lobby or commercial dropbox between now and May 26.

Again, I hope you will join us in celebrating OpenSky’s 10th anniversary by supporting this group’s vital work. — Kathy Campbell, Past OpenSky Board President