The Latest From OpenSky

2025 Session

Follow OpenSky for sound research, data and analysis throughout the 2025 Nebraska Legislative session

Read our budget brief series

Read our budget brief series

With Nebraska facing a $1.2 billion shortfall through FY 21, figuring out how to close it will be one of biggest challenges for the Legislature. In order to prepare for the budget debate ahead, OpenSky has prepared three policy briefs to help inform the discussion. The first policy brief examined how previous large shortfalls were addressed. The second brief explored the contribution of past revenue measures to the current shortfall. The third brief discusses three recent reports that highlight future budget uncertainty as additional factors to be taken into consideration as the Legislature begins its work. Access the briefs below:

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Read our budget brief series

With Nebraska facing a $1.2 billion shortfall through FY 21, figuring out how to close it will be one of biggest challenges for the Legislature. In order to prepare for the budget debate ahead, OpenSky has prepared three policy briefs to help inform the discussion.